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A man on the phone grins, surrounded by succulents

Get the help you need – faster

  • Jump the queue and get priority support from AccountRight specialists

  • Less time on hold or being transferred

  • Call (1300 555 123), live chat or lodge a support request.

  • You'll need your MYOB client ID. You'll find your client ID in My Account (Manage account > Account details).

Two people holding documents in a discussion

Book a session with an expert

  • Get unhurried, tailored support in a 30-minute call

  • Tell us what you need and we'll come prepared

  • Pick a time that suits you

  • Bring the people you need, like your accountant or bookkeeper

  • New to AccountRight? Book a session to get expert advice on where to start

Two people sitting at a desk, a third behind them - all looking gleefully at a laptop computer

Lodge support requests from My Account

  • Your requests go to the top of the queue

  • Get an email reply from an AccountRight expert

  • Ask follow-up questions or provide more details

  • See a history of all your requests

*Priority Support is included with a current AccountRight Plus or Premier subscription, and is limited to the features and functions of the software. MYOB cannot provide financial advice.

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Learn the basics and build your business skills by enrolling in MYOB Academy courses.

Search the help

Getting started, getting things done and getting help – it's all covered in the help.