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Sending a tax notice to a client

When your clients' provisional tax or terminal tax due dates are approaching, you need to send them a tax notice that specifies the due date, the amounts to be paid and which tax types to pay to.

You can send tax notices to your clients:

  • by email or by creating a portal task in MYOB Practice, in bulk or one at a time

  • manually, by downloading a copy.

If your Practice administrator has set an email address CC option, that practice email address will receive a copy of the tax notice email that is sent to your client. Practice administrators can read more about how to set this option, here.

If you use Tax Manager in MYOB AE/AO on the desktop, read section 8. Send notices of the Tax notices workflow for important information.

Prepare the tax notice email or Portal task settings


Before you begin:

  • If you plan to use the Portal option but haven't already created a Portal for your client, see Create client Portals.

  • If you want to receive an email notifying you if a tax notice email can't be delivered, you can also set up a practice alias.

  • If you want your practice to receive a copy of the tax notice email sent to your client when you use the email option, ensure your Practice administrator has set the email address CC option.

  • Your Practice administrator can edit the default text of tax notice emails or Portal tasks. If you're sending an individual tax notice rather than multiple tax notices in bulk, you can also edit the text once-off when you click Send to client from the Tax notices page.

  • If a logo or footer has been set, it will be included in the email. Practice administrators can edit the logo and footer.

  • When you send tax notices in bulk as a task, the Bulk task assignee will be the assignee of the task. The bulk task assignee may have been set when you created client portals. Otherwise, you can edit a client portal.

If you migrated from MYOB AE/AO to MYOB Practice, we set some default options for sending tax emails to clients in MYOB Practice.

  • Tick

    In MYOB AE/AO, if there is an email address in Tax Email or Email (primary contact email address), the Send email to client option is selected in the MYOB Practice delivery preferences.

  • Tick

    In MYOB AE/AO, if the email addresses are blank, Send Manually is selected by default in the MYOB Practice delivery preferences.

If you need to add or change an email address in MYOB Practice, edit the Tax Email or Email address in MYOB AE/AO

Tax Email highlighted in the drop-down in the Description column of the AE/AO Addresses tab

You can also set a sender alias by Editing your default portal details. This lets portal tasks and emails to clients from MYOB Practice be sent from an alias name and email that you’ve set up. Otherwise, tasks and emails sent from MYOB Practice will continue to use the logged-in user as the sender.

  1. Select a client on your client sidebar, and click the Settings icon (the grey cog) on the top right of the page.

  2. Scroll until you see the Tax notice settings, then click Edit.

  3. If you see a message about communication security, click I understand.

    Message saying "Communications may contain confidential client information. A more secure way to deliver documents and messages is via the client's portal." Also a link saying "How do portals work?" and a button saying "I understand"

  4. Under Delivery preferences, select Send email to client or, to use the Portal option, Send task to client.

    Send email to client selected with the details of the selected client shown in the Delivery preferences section

  5. If you selected Send email to client, you can search for a contact, or click the field to see suggestions of email addresses linked to the client.

    Send email to client selected with the field showing selectable options in the Delivery preferences section

  6. Click Save.

Send a tax notice by email or Portal task from MYOB Practice


Whether a client receives tax notices by email or as a Portal task depends on the delivery preferences you set when preparing the email or Portal task.

  • Tick

    When you send tax notices in bulk as a task, the Bulk task assignee will be the assignee of the task. 

  • Tick

    Before you can send a tax notice, the status of the tax notice must be Ready for client. If it's still In review, make sure you approve it first.

  • Tick

    Email wording can only be changed when sending an individual tax notice in the client-centric view, not when sending in bulk in the All clients view.

  • Tick

    Check that your client's email address is correctly entered. If a client's email address is invalid, you'll receive an error message. Correct the email address by changing it in AE/AO.

  1. Go to the Tax notices page, using either the client-centric view to send an individual tax notice, or the All clients view to send in bulk.

  2. If you're sending an individual tax notice:

    1. Click Send to client.

      Send to client highlighted to the right of the tax notice page title

    2. Confirm that the email or task details are correct, and edit the title or description as needed.

      TItle and Description fields with text

    3. Click Send or Create task. The tax notice status changes to Sending and then Sent. An email is sent to your client with the tax notice attached or as a notification to review the task.

      Sending can take up to 30 minutes.

      If sending takes more than 4 hours, you'll see a message and the status will go back to Ready for client, so you can try again.

      If you can't see the Sending status at all, try clearing your browser's cache.

  3. If you're sending tax notices in bulk:

    1. From the Tax notices All clients view, either select specific tax notices or select them all in one go.

      To ensure good speed and performance, send no more than 80 tax notices at a time.

      • To individually select the tax notices you want to send in bulk, select the checkbox next to each tax notice.

      • To select all the tax notices, select the Client name checkbox at the top of the list.

        1. If you've got more than 40 outstanding tax notices, you'll need to scroll down to load more tax notices. MYOB Practice only loads 40 at a time to avoid long load times.

        2. Once all the tax notices are loaded, select the Client name checkbox again.

        3. To confirm that all tax notices are selected, compare the Outstanding status number to the number of items selected displayed at the top of the list.

          Outstanding status tab highlighted showing 82, and (82) items selected highlighted next to the Send to client and Mark as buttons above the Tax notices list

    2. Click Send to client.

      Send to client button highlighted above the list of tax notices

      The Mark as options only change the status in MYOB Practice. For example, if you choose Mark as > Sent, the tax notice won't be sent to the client. To send the tax notice, you need to select the Send to client button next to Mark as.

    3. The Send to client window shows you a summary of tax notices that can be sent, and reasons why some may not be able to be sent.

      Send to client window showing information about the tax notices that will be sent to clients

    4. Review the details in the window and click Send.

    5. Keep an eye out for alerts about emails not being delivered. If emails can't be delivered, you'll see an Email bounced notification in the Alerts column in the Tax notices page. The tax notice status will also change from Sending back to Ready for client.

      Ready for client highlighted in the Status column and Email bounced highlighted in the Alerts column

      If you've set up a practice alias, you'll also get an email notification to that reply email address telling you that the tax notice email couldn't be delivered.

When your client pays the provisional tax amount or terminal tax amount, and the payment is reconciled in Data reconciliation, on the tax notice, click Mark as and select Paid.

A copy of the tax notice PDF is stored in Documents within MYOB Practice, but the email is not stored in Documents within MYOB Practice. If you sent the tax notice using the email option and your MYOB Practice Administrator has set an email address CC option, that practice email address will receive a copy of the tax notice email that was sent to your client.

  • Tick

    You may find it useful to set up a shared email address to use as the inbox for tax notice emails. That way, everyone in your practice with access to the inbox can search for tax notices for a particular client.

  • Tick

    If you use MYOB AE/AO and Document Manager, you may find it useful to save the tax notice emails and store them in Document Manager using the Share It feature.

Download a tax notice to send to a client manually


When downloading a tax notice to send manually, it's important to update the tax notice status to Ready for client, before downloading the tax notice PDF. Otherwise, the tax notice PDF will display Draft watermark.

  1. Click View (PDF) to view and download a PDF of the tax notice.

    View (PDF) highlighted to the right of the tax notice page title

  2. Attach the tax notice PDF to an email or print and send it via mail.

  3. To mark the tax notice as Sent, click Mark as and select Sent.

    Send highlighted in the Mark as drop-down to the right of the tax notice page title

    The status of the tax notice updates to Sent.

    The Mark as options only change the status in MYOB Practice. For example, if you choose Mark as > Sent, the tax notice won't be sent to the client. To send the tax notice, you need to select the Send to client button next to Mark as.

When your client pays the provisional tax amount or terminal tax amount, and the payment is reconciled in Data reconciliation, the status of the tax notice automatically updates to Paid. You can also mark the tax notice as paid manually.

From within the tax notice, click Mark as and select Paid.