There are no setup or cancellation fees for Tap to Pay. There's just a transaction fee that applies to each payment you take using Tap to Pay, but this is passed on to your customer unless you turn off surcharging.
Transaction fee: $0.30 per transaction + 1.6% of the invoice value (including GST).
When a customer pays through Tap to Pay, the fees are deducted from the invoice total and the balance is deposited into your nominated bank account.
Fee example for $100 invoice
Invoice total = $100
Fees = 30c + $1.6 (1.6% of invoice total) = $1.90
If you surcharge (pass on the 1.6% and 30c to the customer), the customer pays $100 + $1.90 = $101.90
If you don't surcharge, the customer pays the invoice value ($100)
MYOB deducts $1.90 in fees from the customer's payment, and you receive the balance
If you surcharge, you'll receive $101.90 - $1.90 = $100.00
If you don't surcharge, you'll receive $100 - $1.90 = $98.10
If there's GST on the invoice, the surcharge will also include GST, which the customer pays, and you'll collect. The app takes care of GST calculations, so you don’t have to worry about it.