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Record a payment towards an expense

When you make a full or partial payment towards an expense, record it to keep track of what you’ve spent and how much you owe.

Go to Money out, scroll down and tap View all expenses and open the expense you want to pay. Tap Add payment and enter the payment details, including the payment method, which keeps track of where the money came from. Tap Save when you’re done.

Changing and deleting payments

You can’t change a payment, but you can delete it.

Deleting a payment

From your list of expenses, tap the expense with the payment you want to delete:

  1. Tap Edit.

  2. Scroll down to the payment and tap the three dots () next to it.

  3. Tap Delete.

  4. Tap Save.

Changing a payment

If you need to change a payment, you’ll need to delete it and add a new payment.


What if I overpaid an expense?

If you record a payment that’s more than the value owing on an expense, it’ll leave a credit balance for that supplier.

If you made a mistake recording the payment, you can delete it. Just tap the expense to see the payment, tap the three dots () next to it, tap Delete then tap Save.