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MYOB Supplier Code of Conduct

Read the MYOB Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our Code

1.1 This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets out our expectations and requirements for suppliers providing goods and services to MYOB Australia Pty Ltd (if goods and services are provided in Australia) or MYOB NZ Limited (if goods and services are provided in New Zealand), as applicable (“MYOB”, “we”, “us” or “our”).

1.2 We expect all of our suppliers to comply with applicable laws. Unless your contract with MYOB specifies otherwise, you must also:

(a) monitor your compliance with this Code and notify us of any breaches; and
(b) take reasonable steps to address, remedy and prevent repetition of any breaches of this Code.

1.3 We may conduct due diligence and risk assessments to check your compliance with our Code and we will need your co-operation. For example, we may ask you to provide evidence that we reasonably require to monitor and review your compliance with this Code.

2. Compliance with our Code

2.1 All of our suppliers need to comply with our Code (unless their contract with MYOB specifies otherwise).

2.2 Suppliers must tell their sub-contractors about our Code and make sure they follow it too.

2.3 Compliance with our Code will be used as part of our supplier evaluation, selection and supplier management process.

2.4 If a supplier breaches this Code, we will ask them to establish corrective action plans which we will monitor. We may end our relationship with suppliers that repeatedly and knowingly breach our Code.

3. Communication, questions and concerns

3.1 If you are required to comply with this Code, we may ask you to complete our supplier questionnaire and risk assessment from time to time.

3.2 If you have any questions or concerns about your relationship with MYOB, you can email our Senior Procurement Manager at

3.3 If you suspect any misconduct or improper circumstances involving an MYOB group entity, you can report it anonymously according to our Whistleblower policy. You can request a copy of our Whistleblower policy by emailing

3.4 Some supplier concerns may qualify as "disclosable matters" in Australia or "serious wrongdoing" in New Zealand under the whistleblower protection laws. If you meet the specific requirements of these laws, you may receive additional protections and your report may be treated as a “protected disclosure”.

3.5 Please check the relevant Government websites in Australia or New Zealand, or seek your own independent legal advice, to find out whether your disclosure is a protected disclosure.

4. Your Conduct

We want to work with businesses that share our values. We expect our suppliers to follow the law in all the countries where they operate.

4.1 Ethics, anti-bribery and corruption, and sanctions

We expect that our suppliers will:

(a) comply with all applicable laws relating to the prevention of bribery, corruption, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering or similar activities;
(b) not give or receive gifts, benefits or hospitality that could inappropriately influence or seem to influence business decisions with MYOB or anyone else;
(c) tell us if they have any conflicts of interest (such as personal or professional interests that compete with ours);
(d) respect our intellectual property rights and the rights of third parties;
(e) not trade with or use any goods or services from people, countries or organisations that are subject to sanctions by the government or the law; and
(f) comply with applicable privacy laws and industry best practice.

4.2 Diversity and inclusion

We expect that our suppliers will:

(a) comply with all applicable discrimination laws and promote diversity and inclusion within their own workplace (including recruitment, retention and promotion practices); and
(b) not discriminate against anyone based on their race, colour, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, ethnicity, national origin, caste, disability, genetic information, medical condition, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status or body art.

4.3 Health and Safety

We expect that our suppliers will:

(a) comply with all applicable health and safety laws and have a safe working environment for their employees and anyone else affected by their business;
(b) give workers access to clean toilets, drinking water, and hygienic food facilities; and
(c) if workers live in residential facilities provided by our suppliers, make sure those facilities are clean and safe, with enough personal space, freedom to enter and exit, emergency exits, heating and ventilation, and hot water for showering.

4.4 Labour

We expect that our suppliers will:

(a) not use or permit any form of forced, bonded or indentured labour. Workers should be free to enter and leave the workplace without unreasonable restrictions;
(b) not employ children under the legal working age or expose young workers to unsafe or harmful conditions. This includes working at night or for long hours;
c) not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment, abuse, violence or hostile workplace environment;
d) provide workers with a way to voice their concerns or complaints without fear of retaliation, intimidation, harassment, discrimination or victimisation; permit workers to join or form unions or other groups to represent their interests in accordance with applicable laws;
e) provide workers with clear and accurate pay slips each time they are paid; and
f) provide workers with adequate training to perform their jobs in a safe manner.

Human rights

We expect that our suppliers will:

a) comply with all applicable human rights and modern slavery laws;
b) maintain adequate controls, policies and processes to prevent, detect, assess, manage and remedy (as appropriate) modern slavery and other human rights impacts in their operations and supply chains;
c) provide us with access, information and documentation as reasonably requested to allow us to conduct reviews of human rights and modern slavery in our supply chains; and
d) notify us promptly if they become aware of any actual or suspected breaches of human rights or modern slavery laws in their operations or supply chains.

Environmental and Sustainability

We expect that our suppliers will:

a) comply with all applicable environmental laws and continually strive to improve their sustainability performance, focusing on reduction(as appropriate) of waste, carbon emissions, water and natural resources consumption;
b) use resources efficiently and measure and improve their energy efficiency, energy consumption and green house gas emissions; and
c) monitor, treat and reduce hazardous emissions, waste water and waste generated from their operations.

Business continuity

We expect our suppliers to have emergency plans and procedures to help reduce the impact of disruptions on their business operations.

Last updated: October 2023