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Accountants Office and Accountants Enterprise Offset Exclusive Offer (2023 update)

See the terms, eligibility criteria and offer details.


1)    Who is eligible for the Offer? The Offer is strictly limited to accounting practices who:

Accountants Office:

a)    are using MYOB Accountants Office (‘AO’) software including Tax, Classic, Client Accounting, Document Manager or Practice Manager (MYOB AO);

b)    have received information about the Offer from an MYOB Sales Specialist and who’ve complete the Offer Acceptance Criteria when required; and

c)     must, during the Offer Period, maintain a license for MYOB AO software;


Accountants Enterprise:

a)    are using MYOB Accountants Enterprise (‘AE’) software including Tax, Client Accounting, Document Manager or Practice Manager software (MYOB AE);

b)    have received information about the Offer from an MYOB Sales Specialist and who complete the Offer Acceptance Criteria when required; and

c)     must, during the Offer Period, maintain a license for MYOB AE software; 

(collectively, Eligible Customers).

2)    When is the Offer available? The Offer was available during the Offer Period.

3)    How do you accept this Offer? To have accepted the Offer you must have during the Offer Period:

a)    spoken with an MYOB Sales Specialist;

b)    if requested to do so, provided the Sales Specialist with relevant information (such as customer entity name and ABN) to set up the customer’s subscription;

c)     purchased a minimum number of Eligible Products (MYOB SME Subscriptions) to a value that meets or exceeds one or more of your MYOB AO licenses or MYOB AE licenses.

For the avoidance of doubt, the value of the MYOB SME Subscriptions is calculated inclusive of the 25% discount (for MYOB AO Eligible Customers) or 30% discount (for MYOB AE Eligible Customers) as opposed to being calculated based on the full RRP value of the MYOB SME Subscriptions.

4)    What’s included in the Offer?

Accountants Office:

a)    Eligible Customers will receive a 25% discount on the MYOB SME Subscriptions purchased under this Offer;

b)    and a full discount against one of more AO License(s) fees up until 31 March 2024.

Accountants Enterprise:

a)    Eligible Customers will receive a 30% discount on their MYOB SME Subscriptions purchased under this Offer; and

b)    a full discount against on or more AE License(s) fees up until 31 March 2024.

5)    When do you receive the Discount? Any Discount will automatically be applied to your MYOB AO practice software license(s) bill, MYOB AE practice software license(s) bill or MYOB SME Subscription (as applicable).

6)    What’s not included in the Offer?

a) This Offer only applies to the standard no-charge inclusions associated with an Eligible Product base subscription.

b) The Offer does not apply to MYOB Business Payroll Only nor to any additional services or premium features which incur additional charges. Examples of these excluded charges include fees associated with the use of the online invoice payments, premium feature such as Payroll, and excess transaction charges payable under the MYOB Bank Feeds fair use policy. By accepting this Offer, you agree to pay any additional fees or charges during your subscription period.

7)    What happens at the end of the Discount Period?  At the end of the Discount Period, the cost of any MYOB SME Subscriptions will automatically revert to any applicable Partner Pays wholesale pricing.

8)    What are the conditions on the Offer?

a)    This Offer it not transferable and is not available in conjunction with any other offer or free period.

b)    The Offer is subject to the terms and conditions of the Eligible Product, except as it relates to any free period or free trial, in which case these Offer Terms apply.

c)     If you accepted this Offer via an unsolicited sales call, this Offer is subject to a 10-calendar day cooling-off period. If within the first 10-calendar days of accepting this Offer you wish to terminate this agreement, you can do so without incurring a penalty. If you terminate within the 10-day cooling off period, you acknowledge and agree that any monies paid by any party under this Offer will be immediately refundable).

d) You must activate all subscriptions purchased under this Offer by 31 March 2024.


1.     We reserve the right to rescind any discounts provided to you under the Offer if:

a)     you don’t comply with the terms of use applying to the Eligible Product or any other related MYOB product; or

b)     in our opinion you are trying to obtain benefits from the Offer that you are not reasonably entitled to.

2.     The Offer does not replace or limit your statutory rights, including your rights under applicable consumer laws.

3.     We may collect and use information about you and for the purpose of administering the Offer and otherwise in accordance with our Privacy Disclosure Statement and Group Privacy Policy (AU) and our Group Privacy Policy (NZ).


In these terms and conditions:

Accounting practices, you and your means your accounting practice business (including those that are a registered member of our Certified Consultant, Bookkeeper, POS or Connected Accounting Programs).

Activate means you have performed at least one of the following actions in each of the MYOB SME Subscriptions as defined in Eligible Product:

a)    Creation of a manual journal entry;

b)    Creation of a manual “spend” or “receive” money transaction; or

c)     Reconciliation of a bank transaction (typically from a bank feed).

Discount Period means the period until 31 March 2024.

Eligible Product means:  

  • MYOB Business Lite

  • MYOB Business Pro

  • MYOB Business AccountRight Plus

  • MYOB Business AccountRight Premier

  • MYOB Business Connected Ledger

  • MYOB Business Connected Ledger + Payroll

MYOB, we, us, our means MYOB Australia Pty Ltd ACN 086 760 198 (if you accept these Terms in Australia) and MYOB NZ Limited, Company Number 902338 (if you accept these Terms in New Zealand).

Offer means this Accountants Office and Accountants Enterprise Offset Exclusive Offer, which is offered to you by us under the Offer Terms and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Eligible Product.

Offer Terms means these terms and conditions.

Offer Period means the period that was from 9am on 1 September 2022 to 4.59pm 31 August 2023.

Territory means Australia (if you accept these Terms in Australia) or New Zealand (if you accept these Terms in New Zealand).

Last updated November 2023