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Go Insurance takes off with MYOB Acumatica

Finance workflows that took travel insurance specialists Go Insurance two weeks to do are now done in less than a morning, with MYOB Acumatica.

  • Automating invoices, bills and statements with MYOB Advanced Business

  • Major time savings free up employees to work on other projects and add real value

  • Working with Kilimanjaro Consulting, Go Insurance has a long-term partner and trusted advisor.

Brisbane-based travel insurance specialists Go Insurance have been issuing policies to protect travellers for over 10 years.

“We help people when they’re at a pretty vulnerable time and sometimes in very real life and death situations.”

- Mark Fuller, CEO, Go Insurance

Go Insurance has won several industry awards to date and continues to innovate to offer travellers the security they’re looking for.

“If you were to purchase our product, you’re able to customise it, much more than you can with our competitors’ products,” Mark explains.

“If you’re just looking for medical cover, for example, you can take away all the other bits of insurance – like property, liability, cancellation coverage – and just scale it back to medical only cover. Or indeed you can beef it up and have all the bells and whistles.”

Admin challenges increased with growth

Go Insurance sells through its distribution network of travel agents in Australia and, increasingly, in New Zealand. But as the business has grown, so has the back-office work needed to support the sales process.

The business was increasingly struggling with the administrative load of sending invoices and statements out to its distribution network each month. As a result, Go Insurance went to market for a solution that could support the finance department with their workflows.

“We came across Kilimanjaro, and they helped us define what was possible with MYOB,” Mark says.

“My perception of MYOB was quite different – more accounting software than software aimed at a growing, scalable business like ours.”

- Mark Fuller, CEO, Go Insurance

Despite this, Mark was immediately impressed with MYOB Advanced Business. “Yes, it’s an ERP solution, but it’s not complex from a user perspective so you can easily learn how to use it,” he says.

A tailored solution for Go Insurance

Kilimanjaro Consulting is a trusted and experienced implementer of MYOB Advanced Business. Ignus Ferreira, a senior consultant from Kilimanjaro Consulting, worked closely with Mark and the team to understand Go Insurance’s specific requirements and tailor MYOB Advanced Business to improve the efficiency of their finance processes.

“I formed a really close relationship with Mark and the team. They knew they could count on Kilimanjaro for a successful system build.”

- Ignus Ferreira, Senior Consultant, Kilimanjaro Consulting

The company has a relatively complex distribution model: “Sometimes Go Insurance pays commissions to its agents and other times they need to get commissions paid back to them,” Ignus explains.

“Naturally every transaction needs to be recorded in the general ledger, so we set up different sub-account structures to facilitate this and make reporting as easy as possible. Go Insurance also needs to send out monthly statements to all distribution partners,” he says.

To streamline workflows Kilimanjaro Consulting integrated Oskar, the system Go Insurance uses to generate its travel policies, with MYOB Advanced Business. This means the finance team doesn’t need to manually enter data into the platform.

Kilimanjaro Consulting then tailored MYOB Advanced Business to automate these specific workflows. Ignus says, “We set up the system so that the agent can be a customer but also a supplier as well.”

“The system can automatically generate an invoice when policies are sold and create an accounts payable bill if the agent needs to be paid. It can also generate and email out the monthly statements.”


Employees have time back to add value

“Creating our monthly distribution statements and invoices for all our distribution partners used to take us about 2 weeks with 1.5 FTE. Now with MYOB Advanced, it takes us less than one morning with one person. This frees us up to work on other projects,” Mark says.

The benefits for Go Insurance have been significant: “The first thing that it has done for us is to give us our resources back.” Mark says.

“Without having MYOB Advanced, I would be employing more people in the finance team. There has been no downsizing, it just means we’re able to focus on other projects. The ROI for us has been time.”

- Mark Fuller, CEO, Go Insurance

There have been other benefits too: “I’d also say staff happiness has increased,” Mark says. “I definitely know that my accounts payable and accounts receivables team are much happier. They don’t have the laborious tasks they had previously.”

With these workflows in place, Go Insurance is also better able to track its aged debt, which helps it improve its cash flow.

To date, Mark has been delighted with the platform: “If you need more than an off-the-shelf product and something that’s highly customisable, I’d definitely recommend exploring MYOB Advanced Business,” he says.

What’s on the horizon?

Go Insurance are continuing their journey, expanding into new markets with Kilimanjaro Consulting and MYOB by their side. “We want to go truly global, take market share from our competitors and create new revenue streams as well," Mark says.

Kilimanjaro Consulting will shortly progress with Phase 2 of the implementation. It’s looking at using an API to enhance the integration with Oskar, plus integrating the MYOB Advanced Fixed Assets module.

“Down the track we’re also looking at getting Velixo reporting in as well because that’s very powerful,” says Ignus.

“Without MYOB Advanced, we wouldn’t be able to grow and scale in the way that we want to. MYOB helps us in that admin side of the business that keeps our distribution partners happy.”

- Mark Fuller, CEO, Go Insurance

Go Insurance off and away with MYOB Advanced Business

  • Processes that took 10 business days down to 0.5

  • Cloud-based ERP – Scalable platform for a growing, multi-entity business

  • Automated workflows — Transactions are processed quickly and accurately

  • Integrations – Oskar system and more to come: Fixed Assets module, Velixo reporting

  • Long-term relationship with Kilimanjaro Consulting for continuous business process improvement.

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